Cyrus kir Valerius


Gender: male
Race: Garlean
Age: late 20s
Height: 7'0
Occupation: scientist; formerly VIth legion medicus. Currently self-employed researching something.
Orientation: gay
Relationship Status: courting; in a committed relationship
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Appearance: Tall and slender, with violet eyes and lavender hair covering half his face. Always dressed sharply in black suits, sometimes with a lab coat. Having little reason to hide, he no longer makes any effort to conceal his third eye.Personality: At first glance, Cyrus appears cold, haughty, and vain - all of which he absolutely is. Those close to him know him to be quite amiable and passionate, albeit obsessed with his research - the nature of which he discloses only to the few friends he trusts implicitly.Cyrus can often be seen with a book on his person, whether reading or scrawling notes. It is seldom clear what, exactly, he is taking notes on. He has the unsettling tendency to watch people, less in the normal people-watching sort of way, but as if observing an interesting specimen, ever on the lookout for something to study or test his potions on - be it anything and everything from void corruption to a tiny cut that'd heal on its own. (the latter actually happened ic once. He put a salve on it that caused an entire third hand to sprout, which had to be amputated. His patient kindly donated the hand to science, and to this day, it skitters about the lab.) Indulge his curiosity at your own risk.Though commonly mistaken for a defector or refugee - and he's content to let others believe whatever they wish - he only ever disliked the empire because it personally inconvenienced him, as his own interests have always been his priority. Call it cowardice or pragmatism, he refused to fight for the empire despite pressure from his family, only deigning to join the VIth because it provided an opportunity to study Allagan science firsthand. He's adjusted quite well to living outside the empire after the legion fell, and finds most pro-imperial Garleans to be confusing and tiresome, being much happier doing science for his own ends.The years he has spent away from the empire and in the company of Eorzeans have rid him of any notion that his third eye confers some innate superiority, yet the snobbery of a spoiled Garlean noble yet remains - instead he believes it is his self-proclaimed genius and impeccable sense of fashion that set him a cut above the rest. Other scientists and researchers are most likely to make a good first impression. Towards those he presumes to fall short of his standards, though he can be shallow at first, he may warm up to those he looks down upon, given time and sufficient common interests.


The VIth Legion
Other imperials who were at Azys Lla might remember seeing the mad scientist, or even working with him. Among the other scientists he was notorious for being insufferable and capricious - seeming indolent and disinterested one day, and consumed by single-minded obsession the next.
The Void
Any mention of the void, voidsent, or other similarly dangerous oddities will pique his interest immediately.
Forbidden Research
He'd love to talk with other like-minded scientists and scholars, particularly those with flexible morals and an interest in things better left unknown. In addition to the void, Allagan science and the XIIth legion's experiments are a few of his other interests.
High Society
Garleans from the capitol may have heard of the Valerius family, and only know of Cyrus vaguely as the son of two tribunii (who are both deceased as of Endwalker.) Those more involved in political drama and gossip would more likely know him as Lucius and Rhea's useless son - a delicate, foppish noble who wouldn't join the military, weasled out of an arranged marriage, and is an all-around disgrace compared to his elder sister.
Aulus mal Asina and the XIIth
It is unclear what his connection to the other mad scientist is, but he loathes the man, despite being quite interested in his work. Go on, simply mention his name and see what happens. Come to think of it... how does he know so much about the XIIth legion's research?


❦ hi ^^ thanks for looking at my carrd! feel free to poke me in game or on discord (please ask first for the discord unless you found this carrd in a server I'm in)❦ I'm in EST and usually free in the evenings most days. I'm in college so I might be busy with stuff sometimes. If I forget stuff, it's because I'm busy or actually forgot, so I appreciate if you remind me about rp plans.❦ I'm +21. Due to mature themes and just being an adult, I will not rp with anyone under 18, IC or OOC.❦ I prefer paragraph/multi-paragraph rp; either in game or on discord. I'm fine with shorter responses and matching post length if we're in a group or at an event, but no one-liners, please.❦ Shipping/erp is off the table without a lot of friendship and trust OOC. (and absolutely no bleed in this regard; I am not interested in OOC romance at all) Even then, the characters must have good chemistry and it must make sense within the story.❦ I don't consent to having any of my characters killed or permanently injured. I really don't want to kill anyone else's characters, either.❦ I will always ask for consent OOC before any experiments on characters, and ask if you're ok with the effects, if not I can easily think of something else! Most of them are temporary or mostly harmless, but can be darker, but it depends entirely on your comfort level. Cyrus' more deadly experiments all happens to NPCs offscreen, and regardless of his intent, will never happen to your character unless you, OOC, want him to.❦ IC =/= OOC. Cyrus' views do not reflect my own. Likewise, I'm not comfortable roleplaying with any self-insert characters.❦ I try to stay as lore-friendly as possible, but I'll accept plausible lore-adjacent things and filling in any gaps in the lore, as long as we talk about it first to make sure we're on the same page.❦ Please let me know if anything is uncomfortable for you - I'll avoid any subjects you want to steer clear from to the best of my ability, but this character has a lot of unavoidable dark themes, just by the very nature of being a garlean mad scientist.❦ Because it needs to be said - absolutely no OOC bigotry, and that includes "jokes" about killing "savages" and the like. If your character espouses such views, if there are no red flags of IC/OOC bleed or bad vibes, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but don't expect Cyrus to take kindly to anyone insulting or threatening his friends (the vast majority of whom are not garlean).❦ Drawings on this carrd are by me!